Stig Grønvold
Section leader CBRN and Maritime Pollution,
The Royal Norwegian Navy
Stig Groenvold has been working within the field of CBRN-defence since 1990. He has participated at CBRN-defence courses in Oberammergau (GER), Winter Bourne Gunner (GBR) and Fort Leonard Wood (USA). He has also participated at national and international exercises as Brave Beduin (DEN) and Precise Response (CAN). Further has he participated to international missions in Africa (MINURCAT II) and Syria (RECSYR). He is the architect of Nordic maritime cooperation within CBRN-defence, and the initiator of a maritime CBRN-defence exercise held in Norway, exercise Toxic Fjord. Stig Groenvold has been a member to Joint CBRN Defence Capability Development Group / Training and Exercise Panel (JCBRN-CDG /TEP) since 2003 and is a new member to JCBRN-CDG /Doctrine and Terminology Panel. In August 2023, Stig Groenvold was awarded the The Royal Norwegian Navy Medal of Merit for his relentless work in CBRN defence both at a national and international level.