Manuel Martinez Ruiz
Vice Admiral (VADM) Manuel Antonio Martinez Ruiz, was born in Santander in 1958; He joined the Naval Academy in 1978 and was
promoted to Lieutenant line officer in 1983.
In 1995, he joined the Spanish Navy Engineering Branch (Cuerpo de Ingenieros de la Armada) after completing the corresponding studies at the Royal Observatory of the Navy and at
the ETSIT (Telecommunications Technical School at the Polytechnic University Madrid). In 2003 he became PhD in Telecommunications Engineering after completing the Phd studies in the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M).
VADM Martinez Ruiz is a graduate of the General Staff. As a Navy Engineer Officer, he was appointed to the Navy Research
& Development Center (CIDA), directing R&D projects and representing Spain (DGAM) in international programs and the NATO
Research and Development structure, being member of several forums. Subsequently, he was assigned to the F-100 Program Office
(1999-2002) in the Navy's Logistics Command as Combat System engineer.
In 2002, he passed the Joint General Staff Course “EMFAS”
21-May-2024Future Surface Fleet Theatre BChairman’s opening remarks
21-May-2024Future Surface Fleet Theatre BChairman’s closing remarks
22-May-2024Future Surface Fleet Theatre BChairman’s opening remarks
22-May-2024Future Surface Fleet Theatre BChairman’s closing remarks
23-May-2024Future Surface Fleet Theatre BChairman’s opening remarks
23-May-2024Future Surface Fleet Theatre BChairman’s closing remarks