Kevin Le Page
Dr. Kevin D. LePage has a BS in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Webb Institute and a SM and PhD in Ocean Engineering from MIT (thesis topic elastic scattering in oceanic waveguides).
He has worked in the field of underwater warfare since 1992, first as a Senior Scientist at Bolt Beranek and Newman in Cambridge MA, where he worked on structural and Arctic acoustics, active noise and vibration control, and global acoustics for CTBTO enforcement, and later at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC, where he was a PI on underwater acoustics and reverberation projects. Since 2008 he has been at the NATO Science and Technology Organization Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation, first as Project Leader and more recently as Programme Manager for Autonomous ASW. In 2021 he became CMRE’s Principal Scientist responsible for Operational Experimentation and Transition, organizing and directing the fielding and testing of technical demonstrations of advanced maritime robotic capabilities for CMRE’s external customers, including NATO Allied Command Transformation. Dr. LePage has been scientist in charge of 7 scientific experiments and 4 NATO naval exercises where unmanned systems were deployed and tested, and coordinated CMRE’s participation to DYMS22, NATO’s first exercise dedicated to OPEX with Maritime Unmanned Systems. Dr. LePage has authored or co-authored
more than 25 NATO scientific reports, 24 trials plans and cruise reports, and 70 journal articles. He is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and the recipient of four NATO STO Scientific Achievement Awards, the most recent being for the “Development and Demonstration of Networked Autonomous ASW” (2017) and for the “Littoral Continuous Active Sonar (LCAS) Multi- National Joint Research Project” (2021).