Bengt Andersson
Former Head of Operations, AURORA Coordinator,
Swedish Defence
MG (M) Andersson was born in Hässleholm, in the southern part of Sweden, 31 st August 1955. After graduation from Senior High School, he entered military service in 1975 in Gothenburg. Following the Naval Academy, he spent his first years as an officer in the south part of Sweden as an mobile anti-ship artillery officer. Andersson was commanding one of the heavy mobile anti-ship-artillery units. Major General Bengt Andersson served as Duty Officer in the Swedish UN Rifle battalion in Cyprus 1983. After completing Swedish Armed Forces Staff College (Basic Course) Andersson was promoted to Major in 1986. At this time, he was assigned as head of the (then new) Amphibious Warfare Section in the Naval Staff in Stockholm. Two years later (1987) Andersson entered Swedish Armed Forces Staff College: Naval Advanced Technical Course (HTKM 87-89) After graduation Andersson returned to the Naval Staff, this time as a Staff Officer in the Division of Naval Studies. In 1991 Andersson was assigned as Second in Command of the Amphibious training battalion in Rindö, Waxholm. Upon selection to Lieutenant Colonel 1992 he was assigned as Commanding Officer of the Amphibious (Marine) Battalion. Andersson entered US Marine Corps Command and Staff College 1995. After Graduation as a Distinguished Graduate 1996 he was appointed as head of Tactical Division at the Coast Artillery Combat Center where he later became Chief of Staff. Following a two-year tour, as deputy head of operations, at the Central Joint Command where Andersson also planned and lead two large international exercises, he became commander of the First Amphibious Regiment and the Swedish Marine Brigade. MG Andersson was responsible for the transformation of the Swedish Coast Artillery from Coast Artillery to the Swedish Marines (sw Amfibiekåren). During the time as deputy head of operations, Anderson led numerous joint operations in the central part of Sweden. Between 1 st July and 31 st December 2002 Andersson served as Deputy Inspector General of the Royal Swedish Navy and deputy Commander of Navy Command. At that time he was promoted to Brigadier General. MG Andersson was Maritime Component Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces between 2003 and the beginning of 2006. From 2006 until summer of 2008, MG Andersson served as (designated) Operation Commander for the Nordic Battle Group 2008 (NBG 2008). The Battle Group was on readiness for EU missions the first six months of 2008. After that Andersson became Chief Logistic Officer of the SwAF. Andersson was also assigned, as OpCdr (desig) for the Nordic Battle Group 2015. Major General (M) CV Page 2 (2) Bengt EL Andersson English 2014-08-31 Between 2015 and 2017 Andersson was, as Exercise Director (EXDIR), planning and leading the Armed Forces live exercise “Aurora 17”. This was the largest exercise in Sweden since 1993. Since 2009 Andersson has, been the Exercise Director for the Armed Forces HQ annual Command Post Exercises (ongoing as reserve officer). MG Andersson has been chairman of the Nordic Standard Helicopter Program Steering Committee (NSHP SC). MG Andersson has been Vice Chairman of the Royal Swedish Society of Naval Studies. He is also a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences. MG Andersson has also been chairman of the Armed Forces Logistics Club. MG Andersson is currently the president of the naval Officers Club in Stockholm (SOSS). MG Andersson is married to Lena and has three children: