(Retd.) Captain (Navy) Barış BİLGİLİ graduated from Naval High School in August 1992 and Naval Academy in August 1996 as Lt.J.G. He is a graduate of Electrics & Electronics Control-Computer Systems Engineering and has a M.A. degree in National & International Security Strategy Management & Leadership from National Defense University.
(Retd.) Captain (Navy) Barış BİLGİLİ’s early operational assignments include Ops.Off, X.O. and C.O. onboard of MHCs, MSCs, PBs and Amphibious Ships for 16 years, COS, Director/Division & Branch Head in Navy HQs. During his serve period, he joined many National/NATO Joint Operations and exercises.
He was also leading the operational experimentation of Maritime Unmanned Systems and the planning of the related exercises of the REPMUS series as Head of Delegation for Türkiye and he was a member of NATO MUS Initiative Steering Board.
In his last appointment in Navy HQ, he worked intensively in Maritime Unmanned Systems. In this context he determined the operational needs for Turkish Naval Forces in the light of "Concept Based Requirements System"
(Retd.) Captain (Navy) Barış BİLGİLİ is working for ASELSAN as a consultant and subject matter expert in naval defense projects since March 2024.