Andreas Montag
Commander Andreas Montag joined the German Federal Armed Forces in 2005, graduated at Naval Academy in 2006 and studied political economics at the University of the Federal Armed forces in Hamburg, finishing as an M.A. in 2010. He successfully completed training to become an EOD diver and sailed as Operations Officer and Executive Officer from 2012 to 2015 on Mine Clearance Diving Vessels Bad Rappenau and Rottweil, where he was two times deployed to SNMCMG 1 and 2. After completion of the advanced mine warfare officer course he was responsible for the Deployment Training of the German Minehunters in MCM Training Centre of the Minesweeping Squadron. He assumed command of FGS Rottweil, where he acted as Commanding Officer for four years until 2021. The same year, he moved to London (UK), where he worked in NATO Allied Maritime Command in N3 branch. Since his return to Germany in 2023, he is Head of the Maritime Unmanned Systems in 3rd (DEU) Minesweeping Squadron in Kiel, Germany.