VTG Awarded $80M Hypersonics Engineering Prime Contract from Navy Strategic Systems Programs
VTG, an industry-leading provider of modernization and digital transformation solutions to Defense and Intelligence Community customers, announced today that it has been awarded a five-year $80 million prime contract to provide end-to-end engineering services for the Conventional Prompt Strike program, the Navy’s hypersonic strike capability. The U.S. Navy Strategic Systems Programs awarded the contract to VTG on a sole source basis.
The Defense Department has identified hypersonics as a critical technology vital to strengthening the United States military’s technological superiority and maintaining national security. CPS will provide the Navy with a hypersonic conventional weapon capable of precise, long-range strike against time critical and high value targets. The missile, which is comprised of a hypersonic glide body and a two-stage booster, will fly at speeds exceeding Mach 5 and be launched from both surface ships and submarines. The Navy is the lead designer for the common hypersonic missile that will be fielded by both the Navy and the Army. The Navy’s first CPS weapon system will be deployed aboard the Zumwalt-class destroyers followed by the Virginia-class attack submarines.
“For over two years, VTG has worked closely and collaboratively with Navy SSP, the CPS program office, and our industrial base partners to advance hypersonic technologies,” said John Hassoun, VTG president and CEO. “We’re proud to be a part of the Navy’s innovation ecosystem and excited to field this leap-ahead capability to the Fleet.”
VTG will provide the CPS Program Office, a division of SSP, with research and development expertise, advanced systems engineering, test planning and test engineering, integrated logistics, and a wide range of programmatic and technical services.