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27 Feb 2025

VIDEO: Better The Devil Ray You Know: USV Gets Autonomous Launch And Recovery System

VIDEO: Better The Devil Ray You Know: USV Gets Autonomous Launch And Recovery System
MARTAC’s T38 Devil Ray USV (main picture) can now autonomously deploy smaller drones such as its T12 (inset). Images: MARTAC

Uncrewed Surface Vessel manufacturer Maritime Tactical Systems Inc. (MARTAC) has added the capability to launch and recover smaller drones from its largest T38 Devil Ray USV.

The Florida-based American firm has teamed up with fellow tech firm Sealartec which specialises in Autonomous Launch & Recovery Systems (ALARS).

The Devil Ray’s new ALARS capability allows the T38 to act as a mothership for either of MARTAC’s smaller USVs, either its 2.5-metre MANTAS T8 or its 3.6-metre T12. It can also be modified to accommodate other types of USV.

As per the firm’s recent press statement: “The ability to autonomously launch and recover USVs is a critical factor in facilitating swarming missions and harnessing the full potential of unmanned systems in the marine domain.

“Achieving this in relevant sea conditions with minimal reliance on human intervention, while ensuring speed and repeatability, is essential.”

The Devil Ray’s ALARS capability can be activated in conditions of up to Sea State 4, i.e. where waves are up to an average of about 7 feet in height and winds of up to about 20 knots. The ALARS system can be added to existing T38s as well as added to newly ordered drones.

MARTAC CEO Bruce Hanson commented: “Early when we discussed missions with end-users, we recognized the value in autonomously launching the MANTAS from our Devil Rays as a force multiplier in support of integrated manned and unmanned operations.

“Combining this ALARS capability with our Advanced AI Autonomy allow[s] us to deploy USVs at scale to perform fully autonomous missions hundred or even thousands of miles away from personnel.  It is truly autonomous. This ALARS is available now and MARTAC and Sealartac are building out our capacity to scale for 2025.”

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