Royal Navy Joins US Navy For Virtual Training To Enhance Carrier Operations
Royal Navy and US Navy officers primed themselves for front-line carrier operations using an advanced virtual operations centre in Virginia.
More than 100 sailors, soldiers, aircrew and marines from Commander UK Strike Force and UK Carrier Strike Group travelled to Naval Air Station Oceana, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, for a joint United States Fleet Synthetic Training period (FST-J).
For the first time the Royal Navy’s Commander Strike Force, Rear Admiral Robert Pedre and his battle staff, took part in the vital certification period that all US Navy Strike Groups undergo as they get ready for the front line.
The training sees ships, personnel, air squadrons and other arms of the military, whether at sea or alongside, “plug in” to a networked battle to practise different warfighting scenarios and establish battle rhythms.
It combines real-world, in-person elements with virtual reality, simulation, and other technologies to enable sailors and military personnel to sharpen skills as they ready themselves for front-line operations.
The UK’s involvement comes as the two nations’ navies, and the US Marine Corps, drive closer working relationships and the ability to work seamlessly across ships, moving from interoperability to interchangeability.
During the training, Rear Admiral Pedre served as the Combined Forces Maritime Component Commander for three Carrier Strike Groups – the HMS Prince of Wales CSG, the USS Harry S Truman CSG and the USS Gerald R Ford CSG.
Other commands in the exercise serial included US Carrier Strike Group 4, commanded by Rear Admiral Max McCoy USN, a patrol squadron, submarines, supply and logistics ships, the 178th Wing, the 337th Air Control Squadron, and the 960th Airborne Air Control Squadron.
The training provided invaluable opportunities to the 100 or so personnel from both the CSG and UK CSF staffs, putting them through their paces in a complex, high intensity, multi-domain simulated warfight.
Rear Admiral Pedre said: “The first ever participation of the Commander UK Strike Force battle staff alongside Carrier Strike Group in FST-J represents a significant milestone in advancing Royal Navy – US Navy interchangeability.”