Poland To Acquire New Submarine Rescue Ship
Poland’s Armament Agency has signed a deal with PGZ and its subsidiaries to buy a £195m Ratownik submarine rescue vessel.
The Ratownik ship has been deemed necessary to complement the Polish Armed Forces’ plan to purchase three Orka-class attack submarines, as per a recent PGZ press statement. It will also dovetail with the country’s ongoing acquisition of its three Miecznik multi-purpose frigates and three Kormoran II minehunters.
As well as submarine rescue, the Ratownik ship is also expected to be tasked with Critical Undersea Infrastructure (CUI) protection duties and seabed warfare missions and supporting joint NATO operations in the Baltic Sea.
The deal, valued in excess of PLN 1 billion (just shy of £200 million), was struck shortly after Christmas at Poland’s Naval Academy in Gdynia. Work on the 96-metre vessel is expected to begin in 12 months’ time, with a launch date scheduled during 2027 and full completion of the programme expected in 2029.
The ship’s crew is likely to number about 100; it will have an estimated range of about 6,500 nautical miles and will have a top speed of about 16 knots.
Management Board President Marcin Ryngwelski from PGZ subsidiary PGZ Stocznia Wojenna commented: “For us, the implementation of the Ratownik program is part of our mission to build Poland's maritime security by providing it with the most modern ships.”
- You can read more details on the PGZ website