NATO Mine Experts Gather For Exercise Dynamic Move 25
The latest iteration of Dynamic Move, NATO’s twice-yearly mine warfare exercise, has begun in Belgium.
Exercise Dynamic Move 25 has brought together 19 NATO nations and six allied friendly partners to enhance multinational cooperation in naval mine warfare.
The biannual tactical-level mine countermeasures (MCM) command post exercise is designed to train participants from the staff of the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Groups (NMCMGs) for NATO Response Force (NRF) certification.
It also serves to assist in training national MCM staff. The twice-yearly exercise is held in two locations. This first tranche is being hosted by the Belgian Naval Academy in Oostende, Belgium.
Later in the year a second Dynamic Move exercise is staged on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea; last year it was held in La Spezia, Italy in the early autumn.
As stated by NATO Maritime Command (MARCOM) via social media: “This exercise plays a crucial role in ensuring NATO’s maritime forces remain ready, responsive, and resilient in an evolving security environment.
“Ex Dynamic Move is also closely linked to Exercise Dynamic Messenger, reinforcing NATO’s commitment to Operational Experimentation (OPEX) in maritime security.”