General Dynamics Has Launched A New Oil Tanker For The U.S. Navy
General Dynamics NASSCO christened and launched the USNS Lucy Stone (T-AO 209), the fifth ship in the fleet oiler program for the U.S. Navy, on September 21. Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), Carlos Del Toro served as the principal speaker at the ceremony, with additional remarks from NASSCO president, Dave Carver, and other Navy representatives. Following remarks, co-sponsors Alicia L. Aadnesen and Deborah D. Simmons christened the ship with the traditional champagne bottle break alongside the hull.
“What we christen today is not just a ship,” said David Carver, president of General Dynamics NASSCO. “The USNS Lucy Stone is the embodiment of American unity and purpose – a beacon of freedom that will carry Lucy Stone’s legacy, and the legacy of America, all over the world.”
The ship is named for American suffragist Lucy Stone, who joined other notable advocates such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Ernestine Rose, and Antoinette Brown Blackwell to petition for suffrage and abolition in the 19th century. Her efforts as a founder of the Women’s National Loyal League were essential to the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery.
General Dynamics NASSCO was initially awarded a contract to design and build the first nine ships of the T-AO program, the John Lewis-class fleet replenishment oilers. Last week, a new contract was signed by the U.S. Navy for the construction of up to eight additional John Lewis-class fleet replenishment oilers (T-AO 214 through 221), making the T-AO program the longest Navy production series in NASSCO history.
To read more, visit General Dynamics' website.