Deep Dive: An In-Depth Look at BAE Systems’ Herne XLAUV
The recent suspected sabotage of two high-capacity data cables in the Baltic Sea has once again put the issue of protection of Critical Undersea Infrastructure (CUI) firmly back in the public eye.
It’s clear that systems are required both to continually monitor and if needed, protect CUI from both accidental damage and malicious interference — a considerable challenge given the sheer scales involved and the depths at which a large proportion of the cables and pipes lie.
And it was against this backdrop that BAE Systems invited Navy Leaders to take a close-up look at the ongoing development of its new autonomous undersea platform, the Herne Extra-Large Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (XLAUV).
Follow the link below to download our extended feature examining the current capabilities, potential uses and development path of the Herne XLAUV.
- Download the report: Deep Dive: The Herne XLAUV