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Alseamar is a French company which consolidates the maritime activities of the Alcen group. Our mission is to develop high value-added solutions in the naval and submarine field. Our activities are focused on naval defense, offshore industry and oceanography markets.

Alseamar uses its own design office for the development of its products and its own workshop for their manufacturing. This integrated industrial process gives Alseamar the full control of the technological chain involved in each product.

We provide a large range of products and services :

The Murene: a diver propulsion vehicle for special forces operations with the ability to tow 2 combat divers fully equipped.

The SeaExplorer: this underwater glider is a persistent autonomous sensing platform designed to collect water column data profiles from sea suface up to 1.000m depth with very wide spatio-temporal coverage.

A wide range of radio communication antennas for both surface ships and submarines developed for the French Navy.

Marine survey service: a technical and scientific team able to deploy and pilot SEAEXPLORER gliders in every ocean in order to collect and process chemical, physical and/or acoustic data depending on our client's need.

Life extension services: we provide complete engineering services for maintenance of underwater equipment and obsolescence management.

For the last ten years, Alseamar participated in many European and NATO projects for both civil and military applications of our products.


60 avenue Olivier Perroy

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