Presented by Lieutenant Commander Justinas Žukauskas, Senior Specialist, Sea and Air Combat Platforms Division, Lithuanian MoD, Defence Materiel Agency
Presented by Janne Muurinen, Vice President - Sea Domain & Petri Salmela, Product Manager Underwater Systems Patria
Presented by Toni Gray, Director Equipment Support Programmes, Navy Acquisition, Royal Navy
Presented by Rear Admiral Fredrik Lindén, Director Naval Systems Division, Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV)
Presented by Vice Admiral Imayoshi Shinichi, Director General Naval Systems, Japanese Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency
Presented by Captain Michael Wood RN, Head Underwater Battlespace Capability, Royal Navy
Presented by Captain Cameron Chen, Expeditionary Combat Branch Head - OPNAV N957, US Navy
Presented by Gavin Rudgley, Chief Engineer - Future Projects, Naval Ships, BAE Systems
Presented by Commodore Steve Bolton, Navy Develop - Aviation Future Programmes, Royal Navy
Presented by Stephen Macfarlane, CIO and Defence Lead, V.Group